, Dr. Kamran Mansouri
Teacher’s Pic
Dr. Kamran Mansouri received his Ph.D. Degree in Molecular Medicine in 2016 from the Tehran University of Medical sciences, Tehran,Iran. For his thesis, Dr.Mansouri worked on the Role of TSGA10 Function an angiogenesis and tumor metastasis. After receiving Ph.D, he joined the Biotechnology and regenerative medicine group in Medical Biology Research Center, Kermanshah, Iran
Brief Introduction
Associate Professor of Molecular Medicine
-Angiogenesis and Tumor Models, Animal Lab, cell &Stem Cell Culture
- Gene cloning, Expression, Over-expression and Purification of recombinant proteins,
- Polymerization Chain Reaction (PCR) types. Real-time PCR
- SDS-PAGE, Western blotting
Brief Skill and Expertise
My research interests focus on
Angiogenesis, Regenerative Medicine and tumor Metabolism
Research Interests
Recent Publications
Tel: (+98)831-4276473 , (+98)9183365450
Work Email : kmansouri@kums.ac.ir
Work Fax : (+98)831-4276471
Work Address: Medical Biology Research Center, Medical School, Daneshgah Avenue, Health Technology Institute, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Contact Information
Biotechnology & Regenerative Medicine
Laboratories of group